Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 design landmark installation for London Design Festival 2016

Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 has collaborated with The American Hardwood Export Council, Arup and the London Design Festival to present a cross-laminated tulipwood structure on the Rootstein Hopkins Parade Ground of the 切尔西艺术学院 from 17 September until 12 October.

Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 has designed ‘微笑’, an urban installation that showcases the structural and spatial potential of cross–laminated hardwood using American tulipwood. 微笑 is one of the Festival’s Landmark 彩票365官方网站; a timber structure that can be inhabited and explored by the public.

With expertise from top engineering firm Arup, and using construction sized panels of hardwood CLT for the first time, Alison Brooks’ concept is a spectacular 3.5米高,4.5m wide and 34m long curved rectangular tube – the first ever hardwood ‘mega-tube’.

Alison Brooks says, “微笑 is a huge curved hollow tube made of cross-laminated tulipwood. It touches the ground at one point, like a wheel. Entering 微笑 through an opening where the curved form meets the ground, the visitor can walk from end to end of the 34-metre-long tube to discover a new kind of space that gradually rises toward light. All four sides of 微笑’s interior will be made of same beautiful hardwood panels as the structure. It will offer a complete sensory experience of colour, texture, scent and sound. 微笑’s two open ends will illuminate the funnel-like interior space and act as balconies to the city.

沿着墙壁, perforations will allow sunlight to draw changing patterns on the floor throughout the day. The perforations will also give the visitor an understanding of how the structure performs as they’re located in positions where there are fewer structural stresses. At night the interior will be illuminated by linear light strips that trace its dynamic curving floor.”

对于AHEC, 微笑 is one of the most important developments in a decade of research and development into structural timber innovation with Arup, and one that could broaden the use of CLT in the construction industry. 安德鲁•劳伦斯, 副主任, Arup说, “微笑 is the most challenging structure ever constructed in CLT. Every aspect is pushed to the absolute limit. It really shows the potential for hardwoods in construction.”

This creation of a brand-new product and a new use of hardwood will transform the way architects and engineers approach timber construction.

“This structure proves that hardwoods have a role to play in the timber construction revolution,大卫·维纳布尔斯说, AHEC欧洲主任. “All our previous LDF projects – Timber Wave, 走出森林, Endless Stair and The Wish List – have been significant projects.

但是微笑, designed by Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所, is the most significant advance because it will create the first-ever use of industrial-sized panels of hardwood CLT. These panels will be produced by Züblin Timber in Germany, one of the pioneers of this manufacturing process. They believe in the potential of tulipwood CLT as bringing a revolutionary new element to wood construction.”

Arup’s engineering team is working to derive the most efficient structural form, using only 60 cubic metres of wood to create a 150 square metre enclosed space. The forces of tension and compression working in the CLT walls will be expressed by perforations in its elevations. ABA has used these to generate patterns of light across 微笑’s interior spaces during the day, it will become an urban lantern at night.

“The Landmark 彩票365官方网站 are a key part of the Festival’s commissioning programme. They are at a scale that gets noticed and are always in major public places reaching a very wide audience,本·埃文斯说。, LDF的主任. “The choice of architect is key and Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 are known for their innovative use of materials. Alongside a strong commitment to ambitious ideas they made an ideal choice for this year’s Landmark project with AHEC.”

切尔西艺术学院 (地图)